Recipes | Delivita
Roast Stone Gruit with Amaretti Crumble | Delivita

As deserts go, this was is easy and works well with Cream, mascarpone or whipped cream, which is your favourite?
Prep Time
10 minutes
Cooks In
12 minutes
Skill Level
- Slice each fruit from top to bottom and separate into two halves, discarding the stone
- Sprinkle sugar over the flesh, lay in a dish and slide into the oven to start to soften
- In a blender of mortar and pestle, smash together the hazelnuts and amaretti biscuits to a breadcrumb texture (or place in a plastic bag and smash with a rolling pin)
- Remove the fruit from the oven, place one or two blackberries in each cavity and top with a spoonful of crumble mixtur
- Slide back into the oven until the fruit is cooked through and the crumble nice and golden
- Serve with ice cream, mascarpone or whipped cream.